¿Cómo colaborar?/en

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<languages/> Are you looking forward to being part of our team? Find people with your interests and collaborate together to create collected and own content? We tell you how!

  • First go to Create Account
  • Then go to Preferences and confirm your e-mail to be able to edit.
  • Then add yourself to Who are we? by editing your profile.
  • Now you can write and share knowledge with everyone! Both visually (Edit), and with wikitext (Edit code).

Advantages of participating

  • You have a place in Who are we? where you can see what you are actively engaged in and link to your networks
  • In each article you write you can put that it has been written by you linking networks through a Infobox
  • Also in your profile you can put the articles that you have created or in which you have participated
  • You can add your own content in terms of Resources of any category, so its existence is known if it was unknown to some


  • Requires time on your part. What works for you almost certainly works for someone else, why not share it?

But if you don't want to share the knowledge with others, sorry, this is not your place. You can see what you want, but it is not the spirit of our Team.